Sunday 5 April 2009

Vivienne Westwood 1995 A/W Collection : Vivie la Cocotte

Color Analysis

Color Scheme :
- Analogous Color Scheme
- Mono-chromatic Color Scheme
- Triad Color Scheme
- Achromatic Color Scheme

The below outfits are using Achromatic Color Scheme , which is Blacks , Whites and grays , to create the feeling of elegant.

The below outfits are using Analogous Color Scheme , the left one is using Blue and green whcih is one the same value ; the right one is using gray and blue.

The below outfits are using Triad Color Scheme . The left one is using Red , Blue and Yellow color which in a high value while the right one is also using Red , Blue and Yellow color but in a low value. I think that Vivienne Westwood use the Triad Color Scheme is to create a exaggerating feeling, as Westwood's interest in exaggerating the figure , asn the Triad Color Scheme can n=match with the outfits.

The below outfit is using Mono-chromatic Color Scheme , which is using different value of the smae Hue -- Yellow. We can see that the shiet is using light yellow and the trousers is using high value of yellow.


About the Collection

The inspiration for Vivie la Cocotte was the 17th century courteasan, Ninon de l' Enclos. Westwood's interest in exaggerating the figure was now taken to the extrme, using both a padded bust and, replacing the bustle cushion, a metal cage which was tied with small bows to a pull-on elastic foundation with suspenders.

This dark grey wool ' Metropolitan' jacket and skirt was based on a Christian Dior suit that Westwood studied in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Nrw York. It is tailored to fit oer the exaggerated from created by Westwood 's cage bustle.

1 comment:

  1. This Blog covers the best and newest in fabric and textile design, style, trends, innovation and technology.
    what an incredibly modern piece of design - it looks more 60's than turn of the century. I am delighted to
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